CV Keywords

What are CV / resume keywords?

CV keywords are words and / or phrases strategically placed in your CV to help attract a potential recruiter’s attention. These keywords will be dependent upon the industry you’re interested in, the job and people specification. Many companies use software to “filter out” CVs if specific keywords do not appear.

How do I know what keywords I should include on my CV?

  • Search online for example job descriptions for the types of jobs you’re interested in. Then, identify the words / phrases they use in these descriptions and ensure they are placed appropriately in your CV.
  • Talk to people in the industry you’re interested in.
  • If you know what company you want to work for, visit their website, do some research – find out what areas you’ll need to excel in and demonstrate these in your CV.
  • Contact a HR professional.
  • Join / visit online communities relating to the industry you’re interested in to pick up some industry “buzz words”.
  • Seek professional advice.

CV keyword examples

As an example, we typed “Digital Marketing Manager” into Google. Using some of the job descriptions we found, here is a selection of keywords you’d use (as an example), for a Digital Marketing Manager:

  • Channel marketing
  • b2b and b2c
  • NPD
  • Marketing strategy
  • Product mix
  • Product segments

With 20+ years of experience writing CVs, it still puts a smile on my face when I hear a client has secured an interview Lee Tonge - Founder and Director


Phone: (01904) 902 102


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