Writing A CV For Interim Roles
What is an interim CV?
Interim CVs will differ slightly from the usual “corporate” CV and we are often asked what the main differences are, so please find below some points to get you started:
- Interim CVs tend to be shorter, and “punchier” than corporate CVs – no more than around 1 / 2 pages if possible
- Rather than displaying exact dates for each position, summarise your roles using years…or even just length of time in each position
- Ensure your whole CV is focused upon quantifiable achievements. For example, ensure you set the scene, using exact figures when talking about your achievements. “Increased sales by 30% over 2 years” sounds much better than, “successfully increased sales”
- If you have a mixture of interim assignments and permanent placements, summarise your most recent assignments under an “Interim Management” title – showcasing your most recent (and relevant) achievements
- Use an introductory profile section at the start of your CV to demonstrate your expertise in a particular area
- Use your “Interim Management” section to demonstrate what you can offer to potential clients – particularly if your “Corporate Career” section doesn’t showcase this
What is an interim role?
Interim positions can sometimes be referred to as freelancing, contracting or even temporary roles. However, in senior positions, an interim professional is normally someone who offers expertise in a particular area – rather than a “temp” who can often work in different industries.
Normally, companies pay more for interim professions than they would for a permanent employee as they often require a candidate’s expertise over a specific period or during a project. Other examples of when an interim would be required could be to cover staff absences, to assist in company relocation, expansion or sale and maybe for I.T. interims where they’ll be needed to oversee system changes / upgrades.
Interim roles normally last no longer than a year and people are usually required to start work immediately – another advantage to the company choosing an interim over a permanent employee. In addition, because an interim will not be employed permanently, they will be able to remain objective in the role.
Remember, we offer executive CV writing services if you still need help in the compilation of your interim management CV.