CV Formats

All our services come with a CV compiled in the following formats:

Microsoft Word

Standard .doc file - allowing you to edit, save and print the file yourself (unlike other companies, we will not prevent you doing this).

Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format):

Created by Adobe, a PDF CV format allows you to view and send your CV with all formatting (fonts, text sizes, graphics, colour, etc.) intact, regardless of the software you use or the software we used to create it. This format is becoming increasingly popular with recruiters.

Plain-Text (ASCII) / Electronic CV Format:

Although not as visually appealing as the above files, an ASCII (pronounced AS-KEE) file is ideal when recruiters request a "scannable" version of your CV. In addition to this, a Plain-Text file is ideal for copying and pasting into an online application form. To view an example ASCII file click here.  ASCII CVs are sometimes referred to as an "Electronic CV".

"What other CV formats / file types do you support?"

We realise not everyone has Microsoft software and some people may be using an Apple Mac rather than a PC, therefore, we can also create files in the following formats:

  • HTM / HTML (web pages)
  • .abw (Abiword)
  • .odt (OpenOffice)
  • .cwk (ClarisWorks / AppleWorks)

If you're looking for a CV created in a file different to those listed above, contact us, as we may be able to help!


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